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Free office
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1-Dec-2019 5:00pm

Buying a new computer to meet ProSeries and Ultratax new requirements.

I use Word for letters to clients and to write down notes in client files and to copy items online relative to tax planning. I don't use mailing, reference or insert type functions. Nothing complicated.

I use Excel with simple formulas and don't use the insert, data, or review functions. I do have years of data in some spreadsheets that record year to year comparisons of revenues and expenses as well as credit carryforwards, credit carrybacks, capital loss carryforwards, etc.

I would be interested to hear from those who use FreeOffice as a substitute for Word and Excel as to what issues I might have in switching software..

1-Dec-2019 6:03pm

Also look into Apache OpenOffice.

1-Dec-2019 9:32pm

Give Libre Office a try. I think it comes very close to Word.

2-Dec-2019 6:54pm

I use Apache OpenOffice for years. It works very well and it is free.

2-Dec-2019 8:00pm

Thank you for your responses.
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