Technical topics regarding tax preparation.
Form 8911 EV charging
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13-Feb-2019 1:05pm

Client bought a n EV charger for his Tesla.

1. The alternative fuel vehicle refueling property credit expired for refueling property placed in service after 2017. Has it been extended for 2018(Proseries thinks not).

2. If extended do you use form 8911 or is it a direct entry on Form 3800 Part III?

13-Feb-2019 11:02pm

The "purpose of form" section is pretty clear ...

14-Feb-2019 2:07pm

The IRS recently updated Form 8911 on their website for the Federal Tax credit for installing a home EV charging system. From the website and link below:

"These lines are now shown as “Reserved for future use” in case Congress extends the credit for 2018."
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