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General Contractor License
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29-Sep-2022 2:05pm

Have a client looking at getting a general contractor's license. In NC, you can either have Agreed-Upon Procedures done or take out a surety bond. If this is similar in other states, have you found the price to be comparable between the AUP's and the bond?

10-Feb-2023 1:17pm

Somekind of bond is very common. In California the bond is only like $15k.....or something not large. The bond fee is cheap.

Unless the bond is for large amount.....I think bond would be the easiest way to go.

13-Feb-2023 2:15pm

In Florida....the performance bond is more expensive...and the bonding company seems to always want the financials to be reviewed financials....In my part of Florida, all my competitors charge $7500 starting fee for reviewed financials...Plus, I have heard that bonding companies are the #1 reason that CPA's in Florida get hauled before the board of accountancy. Be careful, use the correct verbage.

10-Mar-2023 12:45pm

Very common in Nevada. We report on financials for surety bonds all the time for Nevada and other states.

Nevada accepts "agreed upon procedures" but the bonding company wants financials, so at least in Nevada doing financials makes the most sense.
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